RHI assisted the Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization with creating and updating urban design guidelines for the County’s designated Commercial Revitalization Districts (CRDs) and Commercial Revitalization Areas (CRAs). Working collaboratively with County staff, RHI helped County staff define urban design guidelines pertaining to streets, streetscapes, open space, building and site design, and special placemaking features. RHI also created graphics for the urban design guidelines, provided overall editorial guidance, and contributed writing. The guidelines were endorsed by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in November 2018. RHI is now working with the County on more-detailed urban design guidelines for the Richmond Highway (Route 1) corridor, a companion document which builds on the CRD and CRA guidelines while providing guidelines for implementing the urban design vision for the corridor, prepared by RHI previously under a separate contract.