Rock Creek West Corridors Study

Washington, D.C.

Wisconsin Avenue Public Realm Plan

Wisconsin Avenue is a principal transportation route in the District of Columbia and is one of the city’s significant diagonal streets. The corridor encompasses various land uses such as commercial and retail activity, civic uses, recreational amenities, and surrounding vibrant historic neighborhoods. Wisconsin Avenue is rapidly changing as it attracts new housing, significant retail development, and an influx of new residents. To support current and future commercial, retail, and residential uses along the corridor, RHI worked with the DC Office of Planning and District constituents to prepare the Public Realm Plan that provides recommendations to strengthen the corridor’s identity, encourage patronage of businesses, ensure long-term environmental sustainability, and provide abundant amenities that support current and future residents and users

The Public Realm Plan primarily focuses on public rights-of-way and District-owned property. It includes opportunities on some federal-owned public space along the Wisconsin Avenue corridor in the Study Area and supports improvements that could be made on private properties through redevelopment.

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