Matthew Traucht’s extensive work with cultural landscapes has taken him around the world, from New Mexico, Minnesota, and the Washington metropolitan area to West Africa, Europe, and the South Pacific. He has collaborated with community members, tribal representatives, historians, educators, non-profits, and government agencies, including the National Park Service. A versatile and accomplished specialist, he provides expertise in the research, documentation, interpretation, design, and stewardship of cultural resources, and is equally at home in the field and in the studio.
Matthew holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from the University of New Mexico. He is a contributing author to the book Shaping the Postwar Landscape: New Profiles from the Pioneers of the American Landscape Design. His experience includes serving as a program manager for the Cultural Landscape Foundation, a Research Fellow with the Center for World Heritage Studies at the University of Minnesota, and as an archeologist with the Museum of New Mexico.
Although Matthew lost all hearing in his left ear in 2018 and has used a cochlear implant since 2021, he remains deeply interested in the exploration of soundscapes and is active in analogue sound synthesis as a creative outlet.