Planning for “The Next Ten” and beyond in Sandy Springs, GA

September 14, 2015

RHI is a part of a team planning for the future in Sandy Springs, GA.  To help communicate the team’s ideas and gain feedback from the community ‘The Next Ten’ website has been created.  As the City of Sandy Springs celebrates the 10-year anniversary of its incorporation, it is time to look ahead to the next decade and beyond. How should we grow, develop and get around? What will be the character of Sandy Springs in the future? How can we continue to thrive?

The Next Ten is a citywide dialogue to answer such important questions. As part of this initiative, the City of Sandy Springs is updating its Comprehensive Plan, the City’s guiding policy framework for growth and development. Concurrently, the City is also preparing detailed, geographically-specific small area plans for four areas.


SandySprings - The Next Ten