American Society of Landscape Architects, North Carolina, 2021, Merit Award in General Design: Greenville Sycamore Hill Gateway Plaza
Environmental Design Research Association, 2021, Great Place Planning Award: Greenville Town Common Master Plan
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2021, Honor Award in Design Built: Greenville Sycamore Hill Gateway Plaza
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2021, Merit Award in Design Built: National Native American Veterans Memorial
Environmental Design Research Association, 2021, Great Places Award in Planning: Greenville Town Common Master Plan
American Council of Engineering Companies, 2020, Engineering Excellence Grand Award: US Embassy, Pristina, Kosovo
American Society of Landscape Architects, Maryland Chapter, 2020, Analysis & Planning: Silver Spring Streetscape Standards
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2020, Merit Award for Social Impact: University of Virginia West Lawn Accessibility Design
American Society of Landscape Architects, Virginia Chapter, 2020, Merit Award for Analysis, Planning, and Urban Design: Richmond Highway District Design Guidelines
American Society of Landscape Architects, Virginia Chapter, 2020, Commendation in General Design: University of Virginia West Lawn Accessibility Design
American Society of Landscape Architects, Virginia Chapter, 2020, Commendation in General Design: University of Virginia Remembrance Garden
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, 2020, Old Dominion Innovative Approaches Award: Manassas Community Conversations
Engineering News-Record, New York, 2019, Landscape/Urban Development Best Project: Jones Beach State Park Boardwalk Café
Engineering News-Record, Global, 2019, Merit Award for Best Project: New US Consulate, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
American Institute of Architects, Baltimore, 2019, Award for Excellence in Sustainable and Resilient Design: Smithsonian Institution National Zoo Conservation Pavilion
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2018, Merit Award for Analysis, Planning, and Urban Design: Sandy Springs Comprehensive Plan & Small Area Plans
Alexandria Beautification Commission, 2017, Award for Excellence in Commercial Beautification: Alexandria Country Day School
Excellence on the Waterfront Award, 2017, Honor Award: Tar River Legacy Plan
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2017, Merit Award for Social Impact: Q Street Green Alley
American Planning Association, National, 2017, Gold National Planning Achievement Award for Best Practice: Virginia Urban Development Areas and Technical Assistance Grant Program
Fairfax County Exceptional Design Awards, 2016, Honorable Mention: Merrifield Center
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, 2016, Outstanding Private Sector Award: Loudoun County Scenario Planning Study
Built by Women DC, 2015, Landscape: Faye Harwell for the US National Arboretum
Engineering News-Record, Global, 2015, Best Global Project Government Building: US Embassy, Vientiane, Laos
Engineering News-Record, Mid-Atlantic, 2015, Higher Education/Research Best Project: Virginia Tech Signature Engineering Building (Goodwin Hall)
American Council of Engineering Companies, Oregon, 2015, Engineering Excellence Honor Award: US Embassy Helsinki, Finland
Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee, 2015, Donald T. Dust Award for Outstanding Preservation Efforts of a Historic Landmark in Newark: Branch Brook Park
American Society of Landscape Architects, Virginia Chapter, 2015, General Design Honor Award: US Consulate Monterrey, Mexico
American Institute of Architects, Northern Virginia, 2015, Award of Excellence in Commercial Architecture: Tysons Tower
New Jersey Alliance for Action, 2015, Distinguished Engineering Award: Branch Brook Park Lenape Trail Restoration
American Society of Landscape Architects, Potomac Chapter, 2015, Merit Award: Greenville Tar River Legacy Plan
American Planning Association, 2015, National Planning Achievement Award for Implementation: Branch Brook Park
Engineering News-Record, Global, 2014, Merit Award for Green Project: US Embassy, Helsinki, Finland
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2014, Woman-Owned Small Business Contractor of the Year
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, 2014, Outstanding Preservation Plan: Liberia Plantation Master Plan
American Planning Association, National Capital Area Chapter, 2014, Award for an Outstanding Neighborhood or Small Area Plan: Union Station to Georgetown Alternatives Analysis for Premium Transit
Urban Land Institute, 2014, Kemp Award: Masonvale at George Mason University
American Planning Association, National Capital Area Chapter, 2014, Harold Foster Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement: Mid City East Livability Study
American Institute of Architects Academy of Architecture for Justice, 2014, Publication Award: Alexandria Police Headquarters
Virginia Downtown Development Association, 2014, Award of Excellence: Manassas Main Street Streetscape
US Department of Agriculture, Research, Education and Economics, 2013, Small Business of the Year: US National Arboretum
Urban Land Institute Jack Kemp Workforce Housing Models of Excellence Award, 2013: Masonvale at George Mason University
National Association of Home Builders, 2012, Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Award: Masonvale at George Mason University
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, 2013, Outstanding Plan: Hull Street Redevelopment Plan
Urban Land Institute Richmond Vision Awards, 2012, Leadership in Public Policy: VDOT Transportation Efficient Land Use and Design Guide
New York State American Institute of Architects, 2012, Award of Excellence: US Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia
Preserve America Steward by the President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2012: The Branch Brook Park Alliance
EDC Excellence in Design, 2012, Government/Institutional New Construction: Alexandria Police Headquarters
US Green Building Council, 2012, Gold LEED for New Construction: Alexandria Police Headquarters
The Hampton Road Association for Commercial Real Estate, Excellence in Development Design Award, 2011, Best Institutional/Public Building Award of Merit: Tidewater Community College Regional Health Professions Center
National Association of Home Builders, 2011, Pillars of the Industry Award: Masonvale at George Mason University
Pacific Coast Builders Conference, 2011, Gold Nugget Award: Masonvale at George Mason University
Associated Builders and Contractors of Metropolitan Washington, 2011, Award for Excellence in Construction: Masonvale at George Mason University
AIA Justice Facilities Review, 2010, Citation: Historic DC Courthouse
GSA Design Awards, 2010, Citation Preservation: Historic DC Courthouse
Mid-Atlantic Construction, Best of 2010, Health Care Award of Merit: St. Elizabeths New Hospital